Thursday, April 13, 2006

Just Now, I Googled Rumplestiltskin.

Mr. Zoom and I were in the car the other day when he let loose with a string of insults at some drivers around us. He turned to me after it was over and said "Are you ready for this for the rest of your life? How do you like being married to Old Man River?"

I said "...Old.Man.River? Did you just say that? Wait....wha....who is/was old man river?" And what my brian, if that's what we are going to call it, was chewing on was - Is that like Rumplestiltskin? or that character that slept for like 100 years or something and woke up to a whole new world?

Mr. Zoom said "No, Old Man River is what they call the Mississippi."

I said "OH." "'m married to a river?"

Mr. Zoom said "*sigh*. I knew the second I said that it was going to come back around like this. I just knew it."

YAY! Verbal eye roll!


AndyT13 said...

I hate to admit it, but I don't get it either. What was he talking about? Anyway, now you know who Rumple Foreskin, I mean stiltskin, is. The guy who slept for 20 years after drinking with the little people was Rip Van Winkle. That's an old dutch fairy tale from this area. We even have a bridge named after him. Same kind of deal as the headless horseman which is also right around here. I drive through sleepy hollow every day.
Textual eye roll...

ZooooM said...

RIIIIIIIIIP VAN WINKLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Andy. dammit. I knew that at one time, but it disappeared from my brain. And I think I spelled disappeared wrong...or at least it looks wrong.

I get my mythical peoples mixed up all the time. Among other things.

Ka said...

Sorry to clarify...

Rip van Winkle slept for twenty years after falling asleep next to a tree... he was escaping a nagging wife, btw.

Lemuel Gulliver woke up after a shipwreck being surrounded by the little people of Lilliput... He then helps the Lilliputians against their arch enemies.

Just wanted to clarify... sorry to get off track but yes, Mr. Zoom is 'old man river'. Wasn't that the original point?

Of course, one of his other nicknames used to be...

AndyT13 said...

More linky goodness for you since you love so much:

BostonPobble said...

I'm so grateful I found this blog. Truly I am.

Aisha T. said...

HEHEHEHEHEHeee...Mr. zooom must have his work cut out for him sometimes!

ZooooM said...

Ka, I thought the prson who fell asleep by a tree was the guy who founded Mormanism?

Whatever with your freakishly large knowledge.

Thank you Andy, I'll check that out.

BostonP, if you like it here, you are going to love the people who comment around here. They have a lot more going for them than I do. Except I can't get that KA guy to update lately. Or my idiot, but I steal the stories and post them all before my idiot can do it.

Aisha, he's got more than enough work cut out for him. I can spin off in another direction faster than he can remember a line to Caddyshack. And that's amazing.

Barry said...

Ha ha!! the two of you together must be a hoot!! and a great verbal eye roll too.

And Joseph Smith did supposedly learn something in a dream...but he didn't sleep 20 years, I think it was he had that many wives or something..:P